'Psychameleon 9.0" 18"x24" Acrylic Painting on Canvas.

Psychameleon 9.0 is part of the continuing dripping paint series. This painting was to tackle a more classic pose of artistic nudes. The leaning figure with her hand on her leg is something that can be difficult with the Psychameleon style. I always try and strike a balance of what to show and not show, using the colors/negative space of the background. The hand on the leg is revealed strategically mainly in its lack of actual presence in terms of color. The paint drips through the space between fingers revealing the fingers as negative space. It's a subtle technique that I love to experiment with. This dripping figure also contains a shaded underpainting and transparent glossy colors over top. Underpainting allows a subtle depth of field to be created without being overt to reveal additional details of the figure.
Check out the time-lapse making of video!